Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Extension Office Kicks Off Annual Strawberry Bundle Sale

Overton County UT Extension Office is hosting its annual strawberry bushel sale.

Ag Agent Jason Garrett said that the sale had been going on for the last 30 years or so. He said that this year, they’re providing two varieties of strawberries.

“The All-Star berry is a larger type berry if somebody is interested in making pies, making jams,” Garrett said. “It has more volume in it. The other type of berry we have is called a ‘Wendy.’ Those types are a little better for if you just like to eat them. They’re very small, they’re very sweet.”

Garrett said that they choose strawberries because they’re very popular to grow in the area.

“You plant them in the spring, a lot of people buy them to refresh their beds from the previous year,” Garrett said. “You know if they’ve been damaged by insects, or drought, or anything that might damage them.”

Garrett said that they sell up to five or 6,000 bushels each year. However, he said it’s not really about the money.

“We don’t make much off of it,” Garrett said. “Mainly we just try to get people involved with agriculture-based projects, is one reason we’ve done it. And what little we do get, we use the money for 4-H to help with those projects for the kids.”

Garrett said that you can mix-and-match bundles of 25 plants for $20, and bundles of 50 will cost $35. He said that orders can be placed by phone or email before March 24th.
