Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Overton BOE Approves 21-22 School Calendar

The Overton County School Board Tuesday approved the new 2021-2022 school calendar with no major changes.

Chairman Jarman Hicks said school will begin on August 6th with May 24th as the last full day.

“Our administrative team comes up with a 200 day calendar,” Hicks said. ‘We try to coincide with our neighboring, surrounding counties. It is a 200 day calendar. It allows two weeks vacation for our employees and breaks for our students, as well.”

The week long fall break arrives on the second week of October, and the week of spring break comes on the second week of March. Hicks said COVID did not play a significant role while scheduling the year. All other federal holidays are observed.

Winter break will run from December 21 to January 2nd. Thanksgiving break will begin on November 24th.

School Board Member Ricky Dodson said he wanted to make sure teachers are paid before each break in the calendar. Teachers will have in-service days on July 28th, 29th, 30th and August 2nd.

In other business, new Security upgrades are also coming to Livingston Academy, Livingston Middle School and Rickman Elementary.

The Overton Board of Education Tuesday approved the bid for the $45,000 project focusing on security cameras and secure entrances. Work is set to begin later this month.

The board also approved the purchase of 159 Bluetooth speakers. Board members awarded Forefront Solutions the bid for the school system’s new phone system.
