Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

New Tech Turf Baseball And Softball Fields Nearing Completion

New turf surfaces have been laid and the Tennessee Tech baseball and softball fields will be ready to host games in weeks.

Tennessee Tech Athletic Director Mark Wilson said the baseball field is finished and the softball field just needs some finishing touches. He said the project has gone off without a hitch. Wilson said he is thrilled with the final product.

“We think it will really enhance the ability of our baseball and softball teams to have quality practices all the time, regardless of the weather, and to get in the games, regardless of wet field conditions,” Wilson said. “So, we’re really pleased and we think it’s a great enhancement to our student-athlete experience.”

Wilson said the two fields were considered “wet fields” because they did not drain efficiently after rain. He said the new and improved turf fields could be used immediately after a downpour. Wilson said the decision to upgrade was made in part because Tech Baseball Coach Matt Bragga felt the new fields would propel the programs forward.

“We’re just trying to do the very best we can for our student-athletes to put them in a position to experience a high level of success in everything that they do,” Wilson said. “Academically, athletically, in the community, and as a Tennessee Tech family.”

Wilson said the baseball field was originally at a significant slope to allow the field to drain from the sides. He said a slope caused workers to remove a great deal of earth before adding a new drainage system, laying down rock surface, and rolling out the turf on top of it.

He said the work that remains on the softball field includes installing padded walls, a new backstop, and pouring in sand and rubber pellets onto the playing surface. He also said some work will have to be done on the outside of the fields as a result of the major construction. Wilson expects the work to be complete in plenty of time for softball to host games beginning in March.

“They won’t have wet, sloppy feet all the time or the muddy uniforms that we’ve kind of gotten used to,” Wilson said. “It is really aesthetically pleasing to the eye, so that’s where the fan will see that difference.”
