Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

New Gas Provider For Clay County Sending Mailed Notification On Changes

Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Utility District anticipates a seamless transition in service for Clay County residents.

The provider will merge with the Clay Gas Utility District starting Thursday. Communications Director Clifford Swoape said operations moving forward would be under the new company’s name including bills.

“The gas system as far as the operation of it is going to remain pretty well the same as it is now,” Swoape said. “We won’t have any customers up in Kentucky, but the pipeline that serves Clay County comes out of Kentucky, so we will still be utilizing that tap station and pipeline.”

Swoape said customers will receive a mailed notice about the change over in the near future. Swoape said the merger has been in the works over the past year. Swoape said the utility districts just recently cleared the permits required to make the merger happen.

“The things we would like them to know is that we are there to serve,” Swoape said. “We’re going to do our best to meet the needs of the county. If they have questions on expansion, add new service lines, they can give us a call. Part of the pack each customer will be getting will include our customer information booklet that has all the detailed information about policies.”

Swoape said he sees the switch as a benefit for both utility districts as well as the customers. As for rates, Swoape said he could not confidently share concrete numbers due to ever changing gas prices.

Clay County will be the 23rd county that Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Utility District serves.
