Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey’s T-DOT Traffic Study Data Corrupted

The data from a Monterey traffic study has been corrupted and will have to be redone.

Mayor JJ Reels said he received a call from TDOT about the Stratton Avenue-Holly Street Traffic Study. Reels said T-DOT informed him the data could not be downloaded from the hardware.

“They’re having to get new software and some stuff, they don’t know how long it gonna be,” Reels said. “Once they get that then they’ll be able to come and do a traffic study. So, basically we’re less than ground zero at this point. So, It’s like it never happened.”

Reels said it took T-DOT a week to complete the first study. Monterey requested T-DOT conduct the studies to review whether the intersection could remain a three-way stop.

“That is the traffic signal that a young lady had a medical emergency and hit,” Reels said. “The state came in and put a three-way stop up and it’s been that way ever since. They came in probably two weeks after the accident, started the traffic study and I think they do it for a week. Then they went to retrieve the data and it was corrupt, so we’re back at even before I asked them to do the traffic study.”

Reels said there are other needs to be addressed at he intersection. He said he will be asking T-DOT for a permanent solution to the Holly Street stop sign.

“The stop sign when you’re coming into town on Holly,” Reels said. “Put it on a stand and it gets knocked over. I don’t know if it’s from the wind or people hit it.”
