Friday, May 3, 2024
Happening Now

Monterey To Consider Extending Water Line On Highway 70 From Wilder Ave.

Monterey Board of Aldermen will consider moving forward with extending the water service from Wilder Avenue to the city limits.

Water and Sewer Committee Chair Bill Wiggins said the extension would follow the path on Highway 70 East. He said on every road leading into Monterey, the water lines will at least extend to city limits. He said this was one road they had yet to address.

“And that will provide for further development of properties there along Highway 70,” Wiggins said. “And there’s an ample supply of properties nad some pretty ambitious property owners.”

Wiggins said the extension will be a six-inch water line. He said it will serve at least three residential customers to start and one major prospective business that is on the edge of the city limits.


