Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Senior Center Begins Limited Activities Wednesday

The Monterey Senior Center will be reopening for limited activities starting Wednesday.

Director Saundra Gilmore said the center has met the required COVID guidelines to have a soft opening. Among the additions is a new air purifier designed to kill viruses.

“We’ve recently had a new residential air cleaner, which is an air purification system installed in both of our cafeteria building as well as the exercise building.”

Gilmore said it was a relief when the system was installed. Gilmore said seniors will now be safe while attending the upcoming three week special speaker series. Gilmore said things kick-off Wednesday with the history of sunbright pottery with a to-go meal for each senior.

“The next lady has traveled worldwide next Wednesday the 21st,” Gilmore said. “She will be showing a visual show to the seniors about her world travels. The last Wednesday in the month, Larry Vaden will discuss his new novel.”

More activities are planned for the center. Gilmore said bingo will happen on Thursdays, three days of chair exercises and every other Friday has a painting class.
