Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Requesting Traffic Studies For Two Intersections

The town of Monterey is requesting T-DOT to conduct two traffic studies to remove a set of traffic signals.

The intersections of Commercial Avenue and Poplar Street and Stratton Avenue and Holly Street are up for review. Mayor JJ Reels said traffic would flow better if both intersections used stop signs.

“The one on Commercial has been one that has been mentioned to me quite a few times by different citizens, so I wanted to find out what we could do to fix that,” Reels said. “And the one over on Holly and Stratton was just an unfortunate accident that happened, but after it happened, it seemed things are going better over there now.”

Reels said T-DOT confirmed the request was received Monday with the study beginning soon after. Traffic studies usually take about 90 days to complete.

“I sent an official request to the state do a traffic study to both of those,” Reels said. “Sent that last week and actually heard back from T-DOT today that they are going to be getting in contact with us to officially start those.”

Reels said the intersection on Stratton was made into a three way stop about a month ago after an automobile struck down the stop light. Reels said he wants the intersection to continue to use stop signs.

Reels said the intersection on Commercial does not have enough traffic to warrant a traffic signal.

“If a truck or something is coming up 84 from Livingston toward Monterey and a car approaches from Poplar to Commercial it triggers a light,” Reels said. “A lot of times the trucks have to stop on that hill and for trucks it is hard to take off from a hill and there is not much traffic that come through Poplar. I want them to do a study and see if it is feasible to take that light out and put two stop signs one on each side of Poplar.”
