Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Exploring Security Options For Bee Rock

The town of Monterey will look at ways to increase security at Bee Rock after safety concerns voiced by the nearby Garden Inn.

A City Law Committee meeting Tuesday with Inn Owners Michael and Mirtha Kopec resulted in three options to discourage unlawful activity. Mayor JJ Reels said one of those being a gate preventing vehicles from entering the Bee Rock easement.

“We’re not going to put cattle gates up,” Reels said. “We’re going to put some nice steel gates up. We are thinking about something ornamental that says something like Bee Rock on it and have an entry way where people can come in and out, directing them towards the walkway.”

Committee Chair Alex Garcia said until the gates are installed, the town will put a cable up on two posts across the entrance. Michael Kopec also requested a new street light for the parking area and a security camera.

“There are folks parking up there day and night,” Kopec said. “(…) Folks doing drugs in their cars up there. There is no light on. It is very dark, and it is the ideal place to do that. But, it’s not a great foot forward with the town when you get somebody with little kids coming in.”

Reels said the town will put in a request to Volunteer Electric to install a light on an existing pole facing the parking lot. As for the security camera, Garcia said he would need to research options such as the system used at Whitaker Park. But, WiFi connectivity might be an issue.

“Basically, we mount a receiver and a transmitter, and it directly shots the WiFi,” Garcia said. “(…) The police station has a receiver, and then the park has the transmitter. So as long as nothing is in between, it will shot WiFi.”

Reels said another option to explore is using a cellular driven system that would not rely on internet connection. Reels said the town would work with the Inn to make the security upgrades happen.

“That’s out goal, everybody work together, help each other and be an asset to everybody,” Reels said. “You can be an asset to town, and we can be an asset to you.”

For context, Monterey and the Garden Inn Owners have been in legal battles for a couple years before a summary judgement was issued last year. The dispute was over ownership of the trail that leads to Bee Rock.
