Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Continuing Storm Water Improvement Phases

Monterey is ready to begin phase three of its storm water mitigation project as soon as possible.

Mayor JJ Reels said this phase will address culvert released water from East Railroad Drive to Industrial Drive. Reels said bank repairs will be the first step in the process.

“Once you release that water it’s going to start taking the path of least resistance,” Reels said. “It’s starting to not really washout people’s yards, but it is going to get to that point if we don’t take some action beforehand.”

Reels said that installing the larger culverts near the railroad during phase two, sent more water downstream. Reels said rock will be placed in the bank to prevent washing out and mitigate the storm water.

Reels said there is a second part to phase three, requiring clearing overgrowth in the area.

“The last part is going to be the most expensive, so we’re going to have to find some funding sources for that,” Reels said. “The first part is not as expensive, it’s just time consuming. You have to take the rock and put it in there so that it fixes the bank and keeps it from washing out.”

Reels said there is not a time frame for completion of phase three because Monterey will need funding assistance to finish. However, Reels said that storm water mitigation will not end with this project.

“That should hopefully alleviate the problems, there’s more down the road we have to do with storm water,” Reels said. “But this is the biggest issue right now.”

Reels said the storm water project started with fixing drainage near the park and police station. He said flooding was fixed in that area of town through drainage basins and new pipe.
