Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Livingston Summerfest Will Be Livingston’s Largest Concert

Livingston Summerfest Concert will feature local wineries and craft beer samples in addition to live music.

The 21 and up event is Livingston’s first ticketed concert and will feature Stacy Mitchart [Mitch-heart], Janelle Arthur, and Legacy. Main Street Livingston Chair Gene Gantt said the August 12 event is the largest concert they have promoted.

“The beer or the wine, that’s all being provided free as part of the concert,” Gantt said. “So the admission fee is for the concert itself. And the park was designed to have this type of event and we are considered an urban park so we can do that.”

Gantt said all proceeds go towards future concerts. He said they had arranged for limo rides and cab rides for anybody that needs a ride home in Overton County.

Gantt said an independent security company will be checking identification to make sure there are no underage folks coming in.

“The goal here again is to find tourism dollars,” Gantt said. “To entertain the local folks as well as the visitors. And make it as safe as possible.”

Gantt said the fact that it is 21 and up makes it different from the concerts in the past.

“But out of respect for families, we felt like that was the best way not to mix having beer and wine where we had children present,” Gantt said.

Livingston Summerfest takes place Saturday August 12 from 4 – 9pm at Livingston Central Park 140 South Spring Street.
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