Friday, January 10, 2025
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Livingston Approves Park Beer, Wine Motions

Livingston’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen passed two motions Monday allowing beer and wine in Central Park under certain circumstances.

Mayor Curtis Hayes said the resolution and ordinance passed on first reading will allow community groups to host controlled events at the park while serving alcohol.

“We’ve entertained the thoughts from some neighboring communities on how they have done some things,” Hayes said. “This was just a step in the right direction, if the community will embrace this or not. To be able to have wine and a beer in the park in a very controlled environment is what the council voted and approved tonight.”

Not every alderman was in favor of the motions, however, as the items passed 4-2 with Aldermen David Langford and Ronald Dishman voting against the motions.

Dishman voiced his opinion by saying passing the motions could create a domino effect later on.

“I’m totally against it because the park is for kids and adults,” Dishman said. “We’ve got a restaurant across the street that serves everything. We’ve got the country club that serves whatever they want to serve. They have events at the Chamber of Commerce. Next thing you know, you’re going to see when they have adult softball games, they’re going to want to be selling beer at the city ballpark.”

The motions would not allow the sale of alcohol but would allow event hosts to serve it during their event.

The second and final reading of the motions will take place during the next Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting on Monday, March 4.
