Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Jackson Beginning County Budget Process

Jackson County starting the process for its new fiscal year budget.

County Mayor Randy Heady said one of the main things to affect this year’s budget is inflation and the increase in the cost of living.

“Fuel prices across the county whether it be in solid waste, or sheriff’s department, or even in EMS, they are taking a huge hit so we’re really having to increase those funds,” Heady said. “And then as inflation continues to rise in the nation, stuff you use for office supplies, cleaning supplies, just day-to-day activity things are continuing to rise.”

Heady said that the county couldn’t increase this year’s fund balance but that they don’t foresee any need for a tax increase. He said that this year’s tax revenues helped to offset the lost revenues from the jail fund. The county lost some of its revenue through state inmates.

Heady said that the county has three capital projects as its focus for this year. These include continuing the work on the new county services building, airport improvements, and a major water line extension project. He said the project will use some $3 million from TDEC and about a $2.5 million contribution from Putnam County.

“Being able to be able to come up with that kind of money on the county side, you just never could do it there was just no way to raise property taxes to accomplish that,” Heady said. “And CDBG requirements can really limit you with those kinds of projects sometimes (…) So this has really given counties like Jackson, and I know a lot of other counties are really excited about this opportunity to get water where they never would’ve been able to before.”
