Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Growing Season Coming To An End With First Freeze Approaching

The first hard freeze of the season likely comes Thursday night.

Overton County Ag Extension Agent Jason Garrett said whenever the first frost does come, the growing season is pretty much over.

“For example, a warm season yard, which would be Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, it’s basically going to cause it to go dormant for the winter and it will not green up again until next May,” Garrett said. “And also all your warm season weeds.”

Garrett said the cold weather means allergies should not be as prevalent and insect sighting should decrease. Garrett said beef farmers should also not allow cattle to graze on warm season annual grass.

“After a killing frost, you need to make sure cattle are not on those plants for about two weeks,” Garrett said. “Whenever warm season grasses such as Johnson grass get killed in frost, for about two weeks they are making a prussic acid which can be poisonous.”

Garrett said for any potted outdoor plants, cover them with a tarp or bring them inside to avoid the frost. Garrett said irrigation systems should go ahead and be flushed to avoid busting equipment.
