Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Gainesboro Water Asking Aldermen To Reevaluate Water Meter Installation Costs

The Gainesboro Water Department has requested the town’s Board of Aldermen to consider raising the price for meter and sewer tap installations.

The Water Department’s John Pigg said the current price of $675 has not changed for over 10 year and needs to be reevaluated.

“The way parts and everything has gone up, we’re actually losing money at that,” Pigg said. “Going to work with the Aldermen and Mayor to try and get a rate that covers our cost plus our labor once we set one.”

According to Pigg, a three quarters meter costs $580 and one inch meter for $790. Pigg said an amendment to installation rate would benefit the town’s revenue.

“I don’t think there will be other changes,” Pigg said. “I think we’re also going to talk about the sewer department as far as the sewer taps.”

Mayor Lloyd Williams said the changes must come through an ordinance in a future meeting to be considered. City Recorder Lisa Luck said the amendment should be available for a first reading in July as the town researches an appropriate new charge.
