Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Gainesboro Hoping To Have Clerk In Place Early May

Gainesboro’s search for a new municipal court clerk is nearing completion after interviews finished last week.

Town Recorder Darly Pippin said some eight candidates were interviewed to replace the recently retired Karen Head. She said with only two other full-time city employees in Town Hall, things have been very busy without the position occupied. Pippin said the court clerk’s responsibilities span beyond just court correspondence.

“We just want somebody who is willing to learn the job and do it precisely,” Pippin said. “Because, you know, when you’re dealing with the municipal court, you have to have someone who is accurate. Someone who keeps good records, who is able to maintain those records and those files.”

Pippin said the clerk is responsible for responding to requests for police and traffic reports, and processing water and property tax payments. Pippen said the new hire will double as a town hall receptionist. She said the Board of Mayor and Aldermen should come to a final decision soon.

“It’s a very busy office,” Pippin said. “People don’t think that it’s that busy, but we are very busy. We have water bills. People are always paying water bills throughout the month. And then also, we take property tax all the time, and then everyone’s always calling and asking different questions.”

She said as more people move into Gainesboro, town hall activity becomes even greater. Pippin said as receptionist, the new hire will need to be someone pleasant who can help put a good face on the town. She said they will be the first point of contact for people with questions about their new home. Pippin said she hopes for a smooth transition with someone who can quickly pick up all of the new responsibilities.

“We would be training her on doing those jobs that she needs to know how to do,” Pippin said. “She will have to do some municipal court training, as per required by the state.”
