Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Elected Leaders Appearing At Signature Luncheon Series

Cookeville residents will have the opportunity to hear from State leaders at the new Signature Luncheon Series.

Chamber of Commerce CEO Amy New said the luncheon events are an effort to allow people in the business community to not have to come in before or after hours for information. She said the theme of the first event on July 6th will be the “State of the State.”

“We will have our state delegation that represents Putnam County there in attendance to give updates about what happened in this last general assembly, what happened in the special session in August,” New said. “As well as what they are anticipating will happen in the 2024 legislative session.”

New said Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton, Representative Ryan Williams, and Senator Paul Bailey will be appearing at the first luncheon.

New said the first luncheon will educate citizens about their elected officials and the work they do. She said both members and non-members of the chamber are welcome to attend.

“The goal of the event is to make sure our membership, as well as those in the community, members and nonmembers, have a better understanding of what the state legislature is about,” New said. “And also get to know those that are elected officials that our communities have elected to represent Putnam county in the state legislature.”

New said the July 6th luncheon will be the first in a series. She said the themes of the future luncheons are “State of the Schools”, “State of the County”, and “State of the City”.

“The state of the county will be our elected officials, everyone from Randy Porter on that is an elected official at the county level will be there to give updates,” New said. “And then our state of the city will be our four City Mayors, Municipal Mayors within the Putnam County are.”

New said the luncheons are $20 for members and $25 for non-members. She said the luncheons will be held at the Leslie Town Center. She said registration can be found on the Cookeville Chamber of Commerce website.
