Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Daniel Officially Appointed To Vacant Putnam Election Commissioner Seat

Linda Daniel has been appointed to the vacant Democratic Party seat of the Putnam County Election Commission.

Daniel replaces Wendy McCown-Williams who resigned from the position earlier this month. Election Administrator Michelle Honeycutt said Commissioner Amos Powers recommended Daniel.

“She was our previous election commissioner,” Honeycutt said. “They asked if she would do it, and she said she would. It is to fulfill the term, so that would end in April of 2023.”

Honeycutt said Daniel has already taken her oath to serve. Honeycutt said she was appointed by a State Election Commissioner of the same party, which is a requirement.

Each county has five election commissioners. Honeycutt said the party of the Secretary of the State determines who has majority of an election commission. For example, the Republican Party currently holds the office, so the Putnam County Election Commission has three Republican members and two democrats.
