Saturday, September 28, 2024
Happening Now

Cumberland School Board Denies Stone Policy Change Request

The Cumberland County School Board made a motion to deny a policy change request from Stone Memorial High School to fund state student competitions.

The policy is currently worded to allow for funding of nationally sponsored student competitions. The board members agreed that there was simply not enough money in the budget at this time to fund student competitions at the state level.

“I apologize that we are unable to promise those funds,” Board member Rebecca Hamby said. “I apologize that we can not do this on a state level, but we have to continue doing this the way we are now because our budget won’t allow it.”

The board did vote to amend the wording of the policy from “The board will,” to “The board may,” fund national student competitions.

“As I read this policy, I’m surprised it was ever written like it was. In it, it sates that the board will provide funding.” Board member Tony Brock said. “I believe that to make that kind of a commitment is dangerous. That I don’t think that it can ever be something that we will do unless it’s something that we absolutely expect and promise to do.”

The board did agree that all funding requests for both national and state student competitions would be accepted, and if funds were available they would be considered for approval. Those requests would be voted on individually.

Additionally the board voted to table the review of the policy on interrogations and searches until more research and consultation with the board’s attorney could be conducted.
