Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Crossville Retreat to Update Council

The Crossville City Council will spend Thursday at a council retreat to get up-to-date with what is going on in the city.

Mayor James Mayberry said that as the city government begins to fully reopen, it is a good time for everybody to come together to find out what’s going on and move forward.

“It’s basically a catch up,” Mayberry said. “When the state shut down, everything just kind of stopped. A lot of people were working from home, but we’ve not seem much by way of results on that. So, basically, it’s just an update on projects we’ve been working on for quite some time.”

Mayberry said some of the items on the agenda include looking at upcoming events, new recreation programs, downtown parking, and capitol improvement plans.

With the nature of how the city government operates, Mayberry said the council often finds itself only talking about what is presented on agendas. He said retreats like this allow officials to look at the bigger picture.

“This just gives us time to talk about other things,” Mayberry said. “Although we don’t vote or make any decisions on it, but it’s a question and answer and discussion session. It’s things we might want to look at in the future, and, there again, just a basic update.”

Mayberry said most of the department heads in Crossville will present reports during the retreat. He said something he is looking forward to is an update on the city’s paving projects.

“I would like to get my roads built,” Mayberry said. “That’s the biggest problem I’ve had since day one is the amount of red tape and the process. It’s a lot bigger than what people would think of. You have a little two lane road, you have to relocate the utilities that are underground, you have to acquire all the right-of-ways and record those at the courthouse. Then you have all the environmental issues and studies that have to be done if you have to cross a creek. It’s really a complicated process.”

The retreat will begin at 8 a.m. at the Clyde York 4-H Center in Crossville.
