Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Happening Now

Crossville Man Assaults Officer And EMS Worker

A 25-year-old Crossville man faces multiple charges after assaulting a police officer.

Police reports said Bryan Keith Beaty assaulted an EMS Worker as he was removed from an ambulance at Cumberland Medical Center. Beaty also tried twice to kick a police lieutenant in the groin.

Beaty charged with aggravated burglary, theft under $1,000, resisting arrest and assault.

The incident began as police responded to a burglary call Monday morning at 492 Hillcrest Drive. The homeowner told police she had cornered Beaty in a laundry room. When she told him she was calling police, he fled the room, headed toward Industrial Blvd. Other officers in the area responded, seeing Beaty flee. They ordered him to put his hands up or behind his back. Beaty, according to police, would not respond. One of the responding officers tasered Beaty.

An officer struck Beaty three to five times in the thigh/hip area in order to handcuff him. Police took Beaty into custody, at which time he gave police a false name. Beaty asked for medical assistance, but would not tell the officer his problem. EMS and fire officials responded, transporting Beaty to Cumberland Medical.
