The Cookeville Rescue Mission has launched a long-term program for its residents.
Executive Director Bruce Bailey said the mission wants to move past the concept of being a 30 day emergency shelter.
“We use a concept based on ACEs, which is Adverse Childhood Experiences. We found that many people get into addiction and other lifestyles that they need to move past,” Bailey said. “It all comes from that attachment that they missed out on when they were children. They are still struggling with how they recover from that.”
Bailey said the new 12-18 month program involves peer counseling, individual counseling, life skills classes, 12-step programs, and bible studies.
“We have programs for men and women,” Bailey said. “Our goal is not only to transform lives, but to help people find their purpose in life and not just a 30 day program.”
The program leans on rescue mission staff and community volunteers to help lead various groups and classes.
Bailey said he’s already seeing positive results from the program.
“I’ve heard some wonderful stories about people who have entered into this program and are experiencing life-change and a happiness they haven’t seen in a very long time,” Bailey said. “I’m very encouraged that people are finding a sense of purpose for themselves.”
Bailey said the mission has set a $150,000 fundraising goal this year to help keep the program funded and properly staffed.
“It’s critical to enable us to hire qualified staff to do this long term, in-depth program,” Bailey said.