Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Planning Approves Amendment Changing Sidewalk Regulations

The Cookeville Planning Commission approved a subdivision regulation amendment that could require sidewalks for new residential developments along existing streets.

Planning Director Jon Ward said those new developments with access to public sewer and within 1,000 feet of an existing sidewalk qualify.

“This is a big change in and of itself,” Ward said. “We’ve never required that, and we’ve left a lot on the table in certain places because we haven’t. It was always exempt and never required along existing streets, but I think it’s time that we consider that change.”

Ward said the need was identified after some recently approved developments on roads with sidewalks. Ward said one example is a subdivision on Wall Avenue that will leave a gap in sidewalk once 10th Street is improved.

Ward said under the changes, the commission has the option to waive the requirement and also enact an optional fee in lieu of construction.
