Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Clay Working To Complete THDA Grant Homes

Clay County working to complete construction on homes through its $500,000 Tennessee Housing Development Agency grant.

Mayor Dale Reagan said that they are wrapping up on a home in Moss, with hopes of soon completing homes in the Knob Creek and Willow Grove areas.

“We’re very fortunate that we were granted that and were able to help those families out,” Reagan said. “And as quick as we get this one done we’re going to turn around and apply for another.”

Reagan said that after they were originally awarded the grant in 2019, they had over 30 households apply. He said that they hoping to finish all of the work on the homes by June 30th.

THDA HOME grants provide funding for the production, preservation, or rehabilitation of affordable housing for low-income individuals and families. Jackson County recently was named the recipient of a similar grant.

