Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Center Hill Lake Offering Junior Ranger Program With Limited Availability

School is around the corner, however there is still an opportunity for up and coming fourth graders to get outdoors at Center Hill Lake.

Park Ranger Ashley Webster said the Junior Ranger Program will take up to 10 kids on trail walks. There they can learn more about nature and even take an inside tour of the Center Hill Dam. Webster said the four-day program is about instilling the mission of a park ranger.

“I feel like it is really important to teach the kids, our future generations those missions, that overall role that park rangers have,” Webster said. “And we all should have in our daily lives to protect our earth and protect each other.”

Webster said email is the way to get into the limited space program, the contact email can be found on Center Hill Lake’s Facebook page. The Junior Ranger Program will run July 26-29 from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM each day.

Webster said that parents might be surprised to hear what is often kids favorite part of the program.

“They get the most excited about the hydro power tour,” Webster said. “Being able to get into one of our dams and see the role that we play. Whether it is producing electricity or flood control. It is definitely an eye opening experience for them, just to be in a structure that old.”

Webster said that emails need to be in by July 21. She said that once parents start this process, it gets a foot in the door to start paper work for one of the 10 openings.
