Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Carl Haney Appointed As Cookeville Energy Department Director

Cookeville City Manager James Mills selected Carl Haney as the Director of the new Department of Energy.

Haney has been with the Cookeville Electric Department for some 45 years and has been Director since 2019. Cookeville Mayor Laurin Wheaton said she and the rest of the council fully support the selection.

“I don’t think there’s anyone better who could do this,” Wheaton said. “And thank you because this is going to be a lot of extra work for you, but you’ve got a council that is supporting it 100 percent. We know you’re the right guy. You’re going to be amazing.”

Cookeville will merge its gas and electric departments, as a way to take advantage of synergies and cost savings. One of Haney’s first orders of business may revolve around where the Department will be housed. Mills announced that the city plans to move the two existing departments to a single campus.

Mills said he was excited to make Haney his selection to lead the new department.

“We’re fortunate to have somebody with Carl’s abilities and caliber, and I really appreciate him taking the position, and he’s going to take us to great heights with our new Energy Department,” Mills said.

Mills said he hopes the new department can reduce overall costs and improve efficiency under Haney.
