Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Byrdstown Offering Pickett Co. Priority On Building Purchase

Byrdstown is offering Pickett County the first chance to purchase the old Regions Bank building on West Main Street.

The town’s Board of Alderman approved the sale of the 6,585 square foot building Monday. Mayor Sam Gibson said the town is asking for about $260,000, which is the same price when Byrdstown purchased the building in 2019.

“Two main reasons we bought that,” Gibson said. “One of them was the parking lot, and the other one hoping that the county may need it for a justice center for a jail in the future that we would have it available.”

Gibson said if sold, a stipulation would be added that the 93 parking spaces would remain Byrdstown’s property. Gibson said if the county is not interested, the town would accept sealed bids starting at the same price.

“We have people interested in the building,” Gibson said. “Right now, we are using it for storage. We are not doing a good job with maintenance and upkeep. It will run down if we just continue to let it sit around. Right now, is a great opportunity for the county.”

Pickett County has planned to build a new 54 bed jail facility in the past, but the price tag has been an issue. Gibson said this opportunity could save the county millions of dollars.

“In my opinion,” Gibson said. “Instead of spending 13 million dollars on a jail, not counting the purchase of property. Your contractor coming in to build it. Instead of spending 13 million dollars there, for $300,000, less than $300,000 buying that building and spending another million or a million and a half dollars, we could be operating a jail here in Pickett County.”

Gibson said two bank vaults would be included in the purchase. The remaining office supplies kept in the building will likely go for auction, Gibson said.
