Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Happening Now

Byrdstown Launches New Website For Water Customers To Pay Online

Byrdstown has launched its new website that will allow water customers to pay bills online.

Mayor Sam Gibson said Byrdstown Water dot Com was established in the hope of making bill payments more convenient both for the customer and its employees.

“It’s gonna make life a lot easier for people, especially if you want to short notice get online, and pay with a credit card we’re now going to be able to do that,” Gibson said. “So it’s going to make life a lot easier and more convenient and up-t0-date for everyone.”

Gibson said the website is live and customers are able to use it. He said this effort is just one step of many Byrdstown is taking to revamp and update its city operations, such as improving cybersecurity.

Gibson said they also plan on changing the phone number for city hall to make it more user-friendly. He said they had recently changed it to a toll-free number to try and connect all departments to one phone number, but it has not worked out.

“We like the personal touch with people and we’re glad to have that but so many people come in the office and don’t have cash because we don’t carry cash as much as people used to,” Gibson said. “But now we’re going to hopefully get to the point where even if you don’t have cash and you just have your credit card, you can go ahead and pay.”

Gibson said customers are still welcome to pay in-person and with cash.
