Monday, May 13, 2024
Happening Now

Animals Need Care When Temps Climb

Forecasters predict temperatures above 90 degrees for the week.

People and animals should take precautions while the temperatures climb.

Extension Agent Wayne Key said shade and water are important for animals, whether they’re livestock or the family pet.

“They definitely need shade if possible, if there’s a barn or a structure or a shed, somewhere they can get out of the sun or treeline or trees, it would be really good for them as well as water, it’s going to be very important,” Key said.

Like humans, animals can get sick if they get overheated, he said.

“They do experience that same exhausted feeling, tiredness, overheating, panting, getting hot, water is very important to keep them hydrated, keep their body temperature cool,” Key said.

Keeping fresh, clean water out for the animals is important, Key said. Also, outdoor pets could be brought inside or into a garage in the hottest part of the day.

