Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Algood Leaf Collections Begin, Service Available Until March

Residences inside the city limits of Algood will be able to take advantage of leaf pick-up starting Monday.

Public Works Director Victor Jones said leaves should not be placed near mail boxes, fire hydrants or ditches.

“We ask the people to rake them up to the curve of the road,” Jones said. “Please do not put brush or nothing big in there. Just leaves and call city hall and tell them you have leaves available and we will come and pick them up.”

Algood will collect leaves by vacuum truck until March. Material will be collected by area every couple of weeks. Jones said place a work order to receive the service by calling (931) 537-9545.

After March 1, all leaves must be placed in bags for collection. Please try to have all leaves ready for collection no later than the last week in January to assure that your leaves are collected during the last rotation.
