Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Algood City Council Reviewing Revised Employee Handbook

The Algood City Council spending time this month examining the changes to a new employee handbook.

The council asked for the handbook to be revised last year. They wanted to change how sick time was paid as well as changing back to full at-will employment. City Administrator Keith Morrison said the old employee handbook was over ten years old.

“It’s pretty well a new book,” Morrison said. “There was a lot of things that needed to be updated. The old book was pretty out of date. So, MTAS had a new model, and they put in things we had in ours, and we’ve given to council as a draft to review and see what they want in and want taken out of it.”

MTAS took the old city handbook and combined it with a version recommended by the agency. Morrison said the city will move forward with implementation once the council finishes its review.

“It’s a council decision now,” Morrison said. “Once council’s ready to move forward, it’ll still take two readings, so it’ll be two months even after they finish their review of it.”

Morrison said most of the changes made were to fix out-of-date policies.

“We had done gradual updates to the old one, but it hadn’t been completely caught up with all the state laws and changes and stuff like that over the years,” Morrison said. “There was some things that needed to be fixed in it.”
