The Old Gainesboro Road Utility District has increased the length of the water line for its ongoing expansion project.
Engineer Nathaniel Green said the district recently issued $1,000,000 in bonds to extend the new water line and connect it to the district’s new water storage tank. Green said connecting the line and the tank will allow for easier control, quicker water flow, and the bolstering of fire flows in the area.
“If we don’t do that then we come to realize during drought years, we had a pretty significant drought year in 2016, and any water line breaks or anything like that that we have out in the system can detrimentally affect the pressures within the system,” Green said.
Green said they are currently painting the exterior of the storage tank and installing lines across a couple of streams along the path. Green said the entire project should be completed within three to six months.
“We’ll have to add the meter to Cookeville as well as a pressure reducing valve and some telemetry,” Green said. “And then also we are currently working on installing that change order which goes north on Pippin past Cumby Road.”
Green said the additional water line was made possible thanks to a favorable price on the original project from the district’s contractor.
“From a service aspect this will allow current residents, some current residents to have a bolstering of fire flows,” Green said. “As well as ensure that they are provided for even with any growth that may be seen in the utility’s service area.”
Green said the district currently purchases water from Cookeville via a single connection. Green said the district has been working with the city and the USDA for several years to establish another connection.