Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Van Buren School Board Considering Sick Day Sharing Policy

The Van Buren County School Board considering plan to allow faculty to share sick days.

The system conducted a survey of faculty to see how they felt about two different donation plans. Director of Schools Jared Copeland said one plan included had a sick day bank where sick days would be approved by a committee. The second plan would allow sick days to be donated at the individual’s discretion.

“Looks like most people if we were to adopt something are more in favor of just a simplistic one or two day donation at their discretion type thing,” Copeland said. “So I kind of wanted to put it under new business and ask if you all thought about this any more, if you had any opinions.”

The board agreed to allow staff to share sick days with whomever they please. Copeland said he wanted to take the policy to the faculty again before the board held an official vote.

The sick day bank plan is utilized by Putnam County. In that plan sick days are pooled together and can be given away by the approval of a sick day board.

“Well, if you have a pool you run into something more you have to manage,” Copeland said.

The plan where sick days can be donated at an individual’s discretion is currently in use by Warren County.

“I feel like we are small enough and within these walls, the payroll and me or whoever can kind of get a gauge if there a need somewhere,” Copeland said.

Copeland said he hoped to have an official proposal to present to the board to vote on next meeting.

Other details discussed was ensuring that if the sick days are donated, they are to be used immediately. It was also decided that an individual could only donate two sick days per year.
