Saturday, September 7, 2024
Happening Now

Fairfield Glade PD Conducting Safety Check Points St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

Fairfield Glade Police Department will start sobriety checkpoints Friday morning ahead of St. Patrick’s Day weekend.

Captain Fred Sherrill said with the holiday falling on a Saturday, there will be a saturation of law enforcement on the roads. He said there is an additional concern when the holiday festivities can extend throughout the entire weekend.

“A lot of times people will take off on Friday and start early maybe get started on their partying, maybe start on their March Madness, we’ve got a lot of that going on right now,” Sherrill said. “We just wanted everybody to obey the law, buckle up, slow down.”

Sherrill said they have three locations picked out as potential checkpoint stops. That includes Peavine Road, State Route 101, or Highway 70 East.

Sherrill said the goal of the check points is not to punish people. He said at the end of the day, they want everyone to make safe choices and get homes to their families.
