Friday, October 18, 2024
Happening Now

Clay County Repaving At County Service Building And Restoring Courthouse

Clay County Commissioners have approved two projects funded by its Governor’s COVID Relief funding.

County Mayor Dale Reagan said the county will repave the surrounding roads and parking at the county services building.

“We were hoping it would begin this week or next week one,” Reagan said. “I know that they’ve been having to wait for the asphalt plants to open back open, and I think they are opening back up now. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we’ll start some paving work.”

Reagan said Edmonds Paving of Cookeville will conduct the work for about $74,000. Reagan said the area has not been resurfaced in many years.

Reagan said the other project will be repainting the county’s historical courthouse and replacing old building materials.

“A lot of materials up there is rotted and needs replacement and doing some painting and everything,” Reagan said. “The Historical Society will let us change, but we have to keep it to the significance of the courthouse itself to remain on the state register of historical buildings.”
