Monday, December 23, 2024
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CRMC Looking To Expand Sports Medicine Program To Facilitate Growth

Cookeville Regional Medical Center has the opportunity to expand its sports medicine program.

Director of Therapy Services Shona Davis-Smith said that leasing space at a sports rehab facility in Willow Tree Shopping Center will help with the program’s rapid growth, particularly in the pediatric department. The hospital took over providing physical trainers for the athletics departments at Putnam County high schools this year.

“Right now we have few treatment rooms for these pediatric patients,” Davis-Smith said. “Well, we are absolutely out into the hallways to even do some therapy, which is not the best idea. And then you want the parents to see a non-crowded environment. Crowded is okay, but space to do your therapy is another.”

Chief Strategy Officer Ricky Shelton said that the hospital currently rents out a 1,000 square-foot space at Tucker Stadium at a cost of about $40,000 per year. He said that the three-year lease at the 4,000 square-foot facility would total some $44,000 a year, but that they estimate a return on investment of some $200,000 over a five-year period.

Shelton said that the facility comes already set up for sports rehab, complete with exercise equipment and turf and rubber floor. He said that CRMC would purchase that equipment for fair market value at $33,100.

“The plan is all about expanding access and services for the community,” Shelton said. “The big benefit would be the increased capacity for pediatric rehab patients at the Blue Roof, with the availability of additional needed space for this road of service. We’d move the CRMC Joint Camp to Willow Tree, all post-op Total Joint patients would be seen at Willow Tree Shopping Center. TTU and other athletes would go to the Blue Roof for initial evaluations and initial post-op evaluations, TTU and other athletes would then go to the Sports Medicine Clinic on Willow for extensive training with simulating sports for rehab. We would coordinate shuttle transportation for those athletes from Blue Roof to Willow Tree and all sports injuries and treatment would be performed at the Sports Medicine Clinic.”

Hospital CEO Paul Korth said that this is the first step of enhancing the program. He said that they do have plans to continue a partnership with Tennessee Tech, the university’s process is about three to five years down the road.
