Friday, May 17, 2024
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Putnam Co. Schools Welcome Two Faculty Members To New Positions

Putnam County Schools welcomed two new faculty members to their staff.

Dr. Leslie Eldridge will serve as the new Career and Technical Education (CTE) Supervisor, and Dr. Diane Wood will serve as the new Pre-K to 4th Grade Curriculum Supervisor.

As the new CTE Supervisor, Eldridge will take her experience, including serving as interim CTE Director for Cumberland County, and aid Putnam County students in obtaining more opportunities for their future careers.

As the Pre-K to 4th Grade Curriculum Supervisor, Wood will continue the work that her predecessor Ramsey has laid out. Wood has 28 years of experience in elementary education, including serving as principal for Capshaw Elementary since 2020.

Wood is taking over the position from Jill Ramsey, who is retiring. Eldridge will take over from Jim Slagle, who has been named the new Vice President of Operations and Facilities at TCAT Livingston.
