Steve Corder has been promoted to Cookeville’s Chief Technology Officer.
“Steve has been employed with the City of Cookeville for over 25 years,” City Manager James Mills said. “He brings extensive knowledge to this position and is very capable of the duties required as well as the vision to continue to plan and maintain our technology and communication needs. He is an asset to our departments and citizens.”
Corder has served as operations manager in the Computer Operations Division. Mills asked City Council to create an IT and Technology Department to help the city better deal with its information technology. The new department passed via ordinance Thursday night.
“With the fast pace of technology changes, increasing cyber security threats and the need for expanded digital services, I felt the creation of this division was a necessity for the City to move forward while providing a dedicated staff to serve our departments,” Mills said.
Corder is a graduate of Tennessee Tech and has lived in Cookeville since 1991.
“My love of computers and technology from an early age has led to my enthusiasm for and dedication to the IT field,” Corder said. “I am anxious to continue our work while expanding n the current technology system as the need arises. This past year has proven the need to continue to transition to alternate methods of doing business during the pandemic and for future progress.”