The largest increase in White County’s $60 million budget will go toward improvements in the jail and Sheriff’s Office.
County Executive Denny Robinson said at least $2.6 million is set aside for jail upgrades.
“It’s mainly software computers, how they monitor locks and security,” Robinson said. “We’re looking at doing the roof…for the jail. It’s been needed for a while and we’ve kinda put that off for as long as we can.”
Robinson said the roof hasn’t been replaced in over 20 years. Robinson said even in tough times, you have to fund emergency services at a high level.
“The jail doesn’t worry about COVID,” Robinson said. “The jail still has to operate. EMS still has to operate. Those things, we’ve got to fund and we’ve got to make sure all the infrastructure over there works.”
Robinson said revenue numbers have fluctuated so much from COVID, it’s difficult to predict.
“We’re not sure about revenue, we’re not sure about taxes, you know,” Robinson said. “You’re not sure about the sales taxes that are gonna come in. There’s a lot of things that are up in the air, so it was basically a bare bones budget, same as last year.”