Sunday, May 5, 2024
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E-Week Relieves Stress in Engineering Students

Tennessee Tech Engineering students will finish up E-week competitions and events in the coming days.

The Tennessee College of Engineering  celebrates E-week. (Photo: TN Tech)

Treasurer of the Engineering Joint Council and Civil Engineer junior Abigail Shores said the event helps students relieve stress.

“Every engineering student can relate to the fact that we are always busy. We are always trying to work on a project or study for a test or do homework. And E-week is a good point in the semester where we are all pretty stressed out,” Shores said. “And it’s a nice way to have some competitiveness, but still, enjoy yourself and have a break from stress, everyday life, and school.”

Over the week, the 11 majors compete against one another in events including an egg drop, cardboard canoe races, tug-of-war, and a video game tournament.

Shores said the activities celebrate the accomplishments of engineers and engineering students.

“So E-week is an event that is celebrated worldwide. It happens every year in the third week of February,” Shores said. “And the whole point is to highlight innovations that engineers, technologists, and computer sciences contribute to society and our lives.”

The competitions award points for each major that are added up at the end of the week.

“At the banquet, every year, there is one department that is crowned “Best Darn Major” and we have a little wooden train, its the Choo Choo,” Shores said. “And the “Best Darn Major” gets that every year and they get bragging rights for the entirety of the next year. ”

E-Week began in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers. The Engineering Joint Council organizes the week-long events.
