Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Wilson Elementary Awarded Summer Reading Grant

Educators at Wilson Elementary in Overton County plan to use the 2019 Summer Reading Program Grant to foster a love of reading in low-income and struggling students.

That according to the principal of Wilson Elementary Ashley Fisher.

Fisher said four elementary schools in Overton County received the grant, including A.H. Roberts, Allons, and Rickman Elementary.

“We are wanting to promote a love for reading and have them fall in love with reading and writing. But also work with them in small groups,” Fisher said. “So there will be a teacher for about six kids. And the students will be getting books, they will be going on field trips.”

Fisher said the grant funds approximately 18 Kindergarten through 2nd-grade student from each school to participate in the summer reading program.

Fisher said Overton County received approximately $90,000.

The 2019 Summer Reading Program will follow the theme of transportation and community heroes.

“So the students are going to be going over police officers, firefighters, bus drivers, airplanes and boat safety,” Fisher said. “So they are going to be reading books about these topics but we are also going to be taking field trips about boat safety and meeting firefighters.”

Fisher said Tennessee designed the program to give students the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom.

“For some of these kids, they are going to get breakfast and lunch. And they are going to get to go see places that they have never maybe been able to go,” Fisher said. “We are also going to have them understand the love of reading and how reading books can take you all over the place.”

Fisher said she wants to get parents and guardians involved in their child’s education.

“Not only focusing on the struggling readers but also getting the parents and guardians in as well. And having them see the importance of reading,” Fisher said. “And how important it is to read to your child every night and to work with them on their reading and writing.”

Fisher said the school looks at assessment scores to determine which students would benefit from the program.

“But I also meet with the teachers and say, ‘who are some students you feel like are struggling that could really use this camp?'” Fisher said. “And then I get on the phone and I call the parents and really talk the camp up. And how your child will benefit from this and its something positive to do in the summer.”

Overall, Fisher said she wants to get the students excited about learning.

“I’m wanting to get our students to understand how they can be whatever they want to be in life,” Fisher said. “That they can be a superhero within the community, by being a police officer or firefighter.”

The Summer Reading Program will take place over the course of June, each Monday through Thursday. Buses will pick up and drop off students each day as well.

Overton County is one of 11 Upper Cumberland counties that received a Summer Reading Program grant.
