Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Happening Now

Traffic Flow Increase Not An Issue for Eagle Point

Statistics indicate that traffic flow has increased through the Shoppes at Eagle Point area, but no statistics support a problem.

Captain Bobby Anderson said there has not been any crashes along S. Walnut or Interstate Drive in the area surrounding the Shoppes.

“Obviously the shops are new and there are shops to be opened still. Although we’ve had an increase in traffic, we have not had an increase in accidents,” Anderson said. “I suspect that the traffic will increase as more shops open and at that point, we may see more traffic accidents. I hope that’s not the case, but that remains to be seen.”

The police department reported two crashes at the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Veteran’s Drive since the stores opened.

Anderson said people in Cookeville generally pay special attention to their driving.

“I would say that the campaigns we put out about distracted driving help that. A lot of the accidents are distracted riving, someone maybe going down the road looking at their phone or seeing if one of the shops are open. Hopefully people aren’t doing that and that helps reduce accidents as well.”

Prior to the Shoppes opening, one crash took place in the construction zone of the Shoppes and one crash at the intersection of Walnut Ave. and Veterans Dr.
