Friday, October 4, 2024
Happening Now

Crossville City Council Convenes Tuesday Evening

When the Crossville City Council meets tomorrow evening (October 9), major items slated for discussion include a city employee wage study, approval of the downtown-area sidewalk-improvement contract with the Tennessee Department of Transportation and an amendment to the city dog-tethering ordinance.

In all, the council will consider 13 ordinances on first reading. Among them are approval of two temporary street closures – for A) the Stone Memorial High School Panther Dash and B) Boo on Main.

Other items up for approval include Downtown Crossville Inc.’s lease renewal on the Snodgrass Building; the 2019 Alcohol Enforcement Grant contract; Garrison Park architectural services; budget amendments to the 2018-2019 fiscal-year budget for dog park equipment; and adjustments to the 2019 schedule of tournament perks and fees.

Utility- and sewer-related ordinances slated for approval are a contract with Community Development Partners for administrative services on the 2018 Crossville CDBG Sewer System Improvement Project; the Christian Academy of the Cumberlands’ request regarding water/sewer tap fees; and an interlocal agreement with the Crab Orchard Utility District.

Multiple vehicle and accessory purchases are on the agenda, along with discussion and intended action on items including retiree health insurance, the Maryetta Street trail, the Interchange Business Park pad site and the Catoosa water tank along Highway 127 North.

The meeting starts at 6 p.m. in the council chamber on the first floor of City Hall, immediately following the 5:15 audit-committee meeting and the 5:45 beer-board meeting.
