Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Happening Now

Construction Permit Boom Leads to New Trust in Market

The boom in construction permits brings new hope to contractors around Putnam County.

That according to Jeremiah Wheet, the owner of Wheet Construction.

“Well, it really just gives me confidence and hope in the market,” Wheet said. “Makes me kind of want to expand and makes me want to set goals and go after them.”

Putnam County is experiencing a 20 percent increase in building permits compared to this period last fiscal year. In May, the county issued 5 million dollars worth of single-family residential permits.

“It has come and gone. Back in early  2004, 2005, 2006, it was a really good time then. Then, of course, the recession came,” Wheet said. “And that was rough on a few people for a few years. But ever since around 2012, 2013 it has been steadily increasing to a level I have never seen it before now.”

Putnam County Executive Randy Porter said the city had to go back to 2006 to find a month that beat May’s numbers.

Wheet said he does not anticipate the boom to end anytime soon.

“I believe it will,” Wheet said. “I mean I’m already into next year as far as booked out. So it’s a nice thing.”

Wheet Construction primarily builds single-family residences.
