The long-running Smithville Fiddler’s Jamboree returns for its 50th Anniversary this year, but how did it come about?
Smithville’s biggest tourism event of the year celebrates old-time talents like square-dancing, clogging, and bluegrass music. Director of Marketing Shan Stout said it was started in 1972 by Congressman Joe Evins as a small music festival.
“That first festival, they sent out over 400 press releases across the world–they went out everywhere–so this was really a grassroots effort to get the word out for this,” Stout said. “They saw it as a ‘National Championship for Country Music Beginners.'”
Stout said what started as a festival with 8,000 people, has grown into a huge event that can bring in up to 80,000 people. Stout said that in not having the Jamboree live last year, it means that much more to have the 50th Anniversary in person.
“The Jamboree for the 50th Annual–we have pulled out all the stops,” Stout said. “We have really tried to elevate the festival for the 50th Anniversary celebration and treat it more like a Jamboree family reunion.”
Stout said one new feature this year will be more inclusive awards for children, teen and adults that help anyone with physical or mental disabilities compete. Thanks to grant funding, Stout said they were also able to make a more accessible stage for these individuals.
Stout said they’re excited to bring the Jamboree back and have everyone celebrate in person.
“We were afraid that maybe the Jamboree would die having to cancel that live on-site competition for last year,” Stout said. “So the fact that we’re not only able to bring it back to the Smithville, Tennessee Square, but that it is alive and thriving and people love it.”
The event will be held on Friday, July 2nd and Saturday, July 3rd.