Saturday, September 7, 2024
Happening Now

2020 Baxter Harvest Festival Cancelled

The Baxter Harvest Festival tried to extend the date, but will ultimately be canceled.

Friends of The Depot Committee Member Jeanie Lee said she saw the trend of cancelling festivals and being part of the COVID-19 solution as the best plan. Lee said it will be tough on Baxter to miss the event. Along with the chance to show off for over 500 visitors who come on the Tennessee Railway Excursion.

“We miss that festival, that camaraderie with your community and we actually met folks from other countries that were on the train,” Lee said.

Vendors were booked from across the state and the car show is also canceled Lee said. After more than a decade of the Baxter Harvest Festival, Lee said she expects her community to come back from this loss.

“We’re a strong community and we come up with great ideas and always you miss those events, but this is something that couldn’t be helped and we will overcome,” Lee said.

Concerns about track conditions for the previously mentioned train ride into Baxter from Nashville also played a part. Friends of The Depot Committee Member Jeanie Lee said the ride conditions made the trip almost 6 hours long for the over 500 passengers.

“It’s been a problem for the last few years that the track and the bridges had gotten into such bad condition because of a lot of rain for one thing,” Lee said.

At this time, Lee said there will be a 2021 Baxter Harvest Festival.

