Monday, January 6, 2025
Happening Now

Zoning Amendments to be Considered by Cookeville Council

Cookeville City Council will consider multiple amendments to the zoning code Thursday.

One of the proposed amendments would classify the new Tennessee Avenue as a major city street.

City Planning Director James Mills said Cookeville has a list of approximately 15 to 20 streets classified as major.

“[The streets] require a building setback of about 50 feet from the right of way,” Mills said. “Those are where larger scale developments occur and this would put Tennessee Avenue, which we do believe fits, as a major street.”

Another amendment prevents billboards from being placed along Tennessee Avenue from the city limits to Highway 70N.

Political signs will also be effected in the zoning amendments. Residential properties may not have political signs larger than 16 square-feet, down from the current 32 square-foot maximum. This proposed amendment would comply with current state law.
