Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

Workforce Development’s Biggest Challenge Is Lack Of In-Person Interactions

Upper Cumberland Workforce Development Executive Director Becky Hull said face to face interactions being restricted has been a challenge when helping workers find jobs.

“When you are working with someone who is looking to go back to school or has some type of barrier to employment whether it is soft skills, job interviewing skills, whatever the barrier is,” Hull said. “It is always nice to have that face to face warm hand off whenever you are working with someone just to be an encourager.”

Hull said the organization has answered this issue by providing virtual connections to career advisors. Hull said so far, lapse in services has been minimal. Workforce Development helps job seekers access employment, education and training.

“We have a plan in place where participants can contact their career advisor while they are working from home,” Hull said “They can sign documents through PDF’s and DocuSign.”

While the organization’s office remains open, Hull said it still has a plan in place to return to working at home if deemed necessary.

“In March, we were like everybody else. How are we going to do this,” Hull said. “We feel like we made great strides then. We set up a plan and even now, we’re working on should we need to work from home again, and we have seen that with some of our AJCs having positive cases and needing to close.”

The Upper Cumberland Workforce Development continues to have virtual and drive thru hiring events at its American Job Centers. All other meetings must be made by appointment.
