Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

Willow Ave Resurfacing Project Began Sunday

Resurfacing work along South Willow Avenue in Cookeville began Sunday evening.

TDOT Public Information Officer Jennifer Flynn said the $2 million project is scheduled to finish by the end of October.

“Nightly lane closures are possible on Sundays through Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.,” Flynn said. “Right now they have completed all concrete repairs and milled the portion of Willow Avenue south of I-40. They’ll be paving that section before they get on the north section, so that’s what people need to watch for.”

Flynn said resurfacing crews will work from Grider Road to north of State Street. Motorists are advised to use caution while driving through the area and watch for signage, personnel, equipment, and traffic control devices.

“The lesser traveled state routes in the region, you know, we allow the contractor to pave during the day which is actually better to be able to pave during the day,” Flynn said. “It’s better for the contractor, it’s safer, people can see you more and things like that. But sometimes you just have to make the call to do it at night because of the traffic volume.”

The contractor for the project is Rogers Group Incorporated.
