Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Happening Now

White County Move Next Year’s Spring Break

The White County School Board has changed the 2024-2025 school calendar to move spring break to the week following daylight savings time.

Board Chair Bob Young said the change aligns more closely with the rest of the school calendar. Director of Schools Kurt Dronebarger said next year’s spring break will be March 10-14. Dronebarger said he polled teachers in the district and some 80 percent of votes favored the change.

“It falls at a more reasonable time in the break of the nine-week schedule,” Dronebarger said. “It’s when report cards come out. I really don’t like that we just came back from spring break and we have two weeks and we’re getting ready for state testing. That’s a challenge. And then, of course, with daylight savings, we were right back in school.”

He said White County High School students also had to take the ACT two days after daylight savings. He said this year, Good Friday fell during spring break, technically cutting the break to four days because Good Friday is a holiday.

The county also wanted to better align its spring break with some surrounding districts. Dronebarger said this shift would not affect any other breaks.

“As of right now, fall break is the week of Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” Dronebarger said.
